Katerina A. Cechova
International FCI judge
For schnauzers, pinschers, some terriers from group 3
Breed specialist for miniature schnauzers
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +45 42 15 00 30
International FCI judge
For schnauzers, pinschers, some terriers from group 3
Breed specialist for miniature schnauzers
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +45 42 15 00 30
“What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.”
― Albert Einstein
Since childhood I had been around dogs, as far as I can remember. My great grandfather was breeding wire foxterriers and german shepherds, an old and reputable breeder of giants schnauzers lived in my grand parents house and I had been visiting him and even I could barely talk, I already was convincing him – when I will grow up, I will be breeder too and groomer and breed consulant and a judge. They smiled, but …
All started seriously at 1989, when I got my very first Miniature Schnauzer male for training and shows. I was just 12 years old and we made all possible working exams, breeding exams, he was my first grooming model and all. After that came period of training shepherds and learning to groom. As there weren’t grooming salons in Czech republic at that time, people asked that 13 years old girl, who groomed her dog so well and if I can groom theirs. Suddenly I became a dog groomer in free time. Then came my first breeding bitch into the picture, first offsprings, first international champion titles and all the breeders life in full speed.
After starting academical education in art and literature, I was studying anatomy and used my visual talent on dogs, creating a lot of studies in drawings, understanding the anatomical part. As young as 17 years old I became breed consultant for mini, standards and giant schnauzers, working for the kennel club and special club – controlling puppies, fulling papers, organizing shows, judging breeding exams and judging offsprings exams of exterior. I was in this function for 13 years until I moved to Denmark.
In Denmark I was also involved in dog world, being part of health committee, helping to organize shows, established my own grooming salon, providing many grooming seminars, showing and breeding together with my partner under kennel name Ugly Duckling. We bred several nr. 1 dogs over all colors under all systems, I started to travel more to USA, let the top breeders and groomers teach me all I could absorb. I became contact person between AMSC and Europe to help European breeders with MAC testing their dogs, I started to cooperate with American miniature schnauzer club in several projects supporting the health in the breed.
When I became 40, I understood, I collected experiences enough to start my judge education, so then came that responsible decision to go for another lifestyle. I was happy for my education in anatomy, I had as artist, for my formulation skills I had as literature expert and for my burning passion for dog world. My experiences in dog grooming gave me great touch for coats, especially for stripping jackets.
I finished as judge for Miniature Schnauzers in August 2018, for now I completed the Schnauzer Pinscher family and working on terrier group, which is my heart and passion. I had been judging prestige specialties in Scandinavia, as well as Year specialty in Finland and several very prestige assignments are fixed in calendar for the next couple of years.
I understand today the power of knowledge and experiences, as well as I know, education never stops and I am always thankful for new input and information. I have my deep respect to all people creating and preserving breeds with passion – breeders, exhibitors and judges. I will always remember, we have to preserve the type and respect breed standards in the name of ‘correct’.
All started seriously at 1989, when I got my very first Miniature Schnauzer male for training and shows. I was just 12 years old and we made all possible working exams, breeding exams, he was my first grooming model and all. After that came period of training shepherds and learning to groom. As there weren’t grooming salons in Czech republic at that time, people asked that 13 years old girl, who groomed her dog so well and if I can groom theirs. Suddenly I became a dog groomer in free time. Then came my first breeding bitch into the picture, first offsprings, first international champion titles and all the breeders life in full speed.
After starting academical education in art and literature, I was studying anatomy and used my visual talent on dogs, creating a lot of studies in drawings, understanding the anatomical part. As young as 17 years old I became breed consultant for mini, standards and giant schnauzers, working for the kennel club and special club – controlling puppies, fulling papers, organizing shows, judging breeding exams and judging offsprings exams of exterior. I was in this function for 13 years until I moved to Denmark.
In Denmark I was also involved in dog world, being part of health committee, helping to organize shows, established my own grooming salon, providing many grooming seminars, showing and breeding together with my partner under kennel name Ugly Duckling. We bred several nr. 1 dogs over all colors under all systems, I started to travel more to USA, let the top breeders and groomers teach me all I could absorb. I became contact person between AMSC and Europe to help European breeders with MAC testing their dogs, I started to cooperate with American miniature schnauzer club in several projects supporting the health in the breed.
When I became 40, I understood, I collected experiences enough to start my judge education, so then came that responsible decision to go for another lifestyle. I was happy for my education in anatomy, I had as artist, for my formulation skills I had as literature expert and for my burning passion for dog world. My experiences in dog grooming gave me great touch for coats, especially for stripping jackets.
I finished as judge for Miniature Schnauzers in August 2018, for now I completed the Schnauzer Pinscher family and working on terrier group, which is my heart and passion. I had been judging prestige specialties in Scandinavia, as well as Year specialty in Finland and several very prestige assignments are fixed in calendar for the next couple of years.
I understand today the power of knowledge and experiences, as well as I know, education never stops and I am always thankful for new input and information. I have my deep respect to all people creating and preserving breeds with passion – breeders, exhibitors and judges. I will always remember, we have to preserve the type and respect breed standards in the name of ‘correct’.